
The first industrial revolution began in the 18th century.


The second industrial revolution led to the mass production of goods.


The third industrial revolution is characterised by the introduction of computers and electronics.

The digitisation of manufacturing
machine learning

The digitisation of manufacturing

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

The digitisation of manufacturing is based on Big Data, the Internet of Things, AI and augmented reality.

This process exploits information gathered during the life cycle of a product. The main goal is to improve processes and decision-making. Artificial intelligence is based on computer and mathematical algorithms. It gives machines the ability to make decisions, analyse data and interact with their environment. Machine learning uses algorithms and data to imitate human behaviour.

High-tech industry

A new era and revolutionary technology

High-tech industry represents a strategic challenge for countries that need to boost their attractiveness and competitiveness. This revolutionary new era is characterised by high R&D investment. It adapts and innovates rapidly to market developments.

Collaborative robots
Collaborative robots

Collaborative robots

Robots learn multiple tasks and assist operators in several areas.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality

Augmented reality teaches in a fun way and displays navigation instructions.

Digital twins

Digital twins are a powerful tool for boosting the transition to a circular and sustainable bioeconomy.

LED lighting

Aluminium PCB for lighting

Aluminium LED PCB lighting is a category of lighting consisting of a power supply, a controller, a diffuser and a casing.

This lighting system is economical. By adapting it, you reduce maintenance, purchase and replacement costs. Another advantage of LED lighting is that it produces uniform, bright, flicker-free light. You can choose from a wide range of colour temperatures. Make your choice based on the ambience you want to create. You can use it to optimise the comfort of your home. When you call on the services of an ICAPE Group team, you benefit from a service to manage your projects in a professional and transparent manner.

Aluminium PCB for lighting

Digital products

How is high-tech revolutionising our daily lives?

A digital product is a service or good that comes as a computer file. Video, music and e-books are just a few examples. High tech offers a range of practical, fun and effective solutions that are revolutionising our daily lives, follow for more.

Video games, king of entertainment more than ever


Mobile telephony takes a new turn


The IT industry in the world of information